element synonym chemistry

Posted by | November 12, 2020 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Its symbol is Fr. an extremely radioactive chemical element that is produced artificially. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? Top synonyms for chemistry (other words for chemistry) are alchemy, chemical science and science of matter. Its symbol is Os. a chemical element that is a radioactive metal. a chemical element that is a very hard grey metal. a natural habitat, sphere of activity, environment, etc. Its symbol is Ni. Its symbol is Bh. A chemical element is a substance that cannot be further broken down by any chemical reaction. It contains a course of applied geometry in connection with Euclid's Elements. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. If a future lawyer neglects his chemistry and biology, it is of little moment. The Celsius scale is a common temperature scale in chemistry. It is the one thing that has in it the elements of life, of a new life, Vita Nuova for me. a chemical element that is a silver-white metal, usually found combined with other chemicals. Synonyms for elements. Synonyms and related words +-Types of chemical substance. Its symbol is Hf. But chemistry has its limits as to usefulness in all human laboratories. Its symbol is Cr and it is used for making alloys and for putting a hard shiny covering on other metals. Its symbol is Y. a chemical element that is a blue-white metal. In all the courses in chemistry, interest and enthusiasm are of vital importance. Its symbol is Dy. Antonyms for Compound (chemistry). a chemical element that is a soft grey metal, with the symbol Sr. Strontium burns easily and is used in fireworks. a chemical element that is a rare silvery-white metal. Its symbol is Mn and it is used for making steel and glass. a chemical element that is strong, light and expensive white metal. a chemical element that is a brittle grey semimetal. a chemical element that is a hard grey metal. Its symbol is Fe and it is used for making steel and is also used in many types of machine and building structures. a chemical element that is very unstable and is produced artificially. It is used for making steel and its symbol is W. a chemical element that is a radioactive metal and is used for producing nuclear energy. chemistry a chemical element that is found in all living things, and can also exist as diamonds or coal. a chemical element that is a light silver-coloured metal. a chemical element that is a hard silvery-grey metal. grouping. item. a chemical element that is very unstable and is produced artificially. Its symbol is S and it is used for making medicines and explosives. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins management. George was in his element at those times, and the depth of his knowledge amazed me. (mathematics) element of a matrix 6. heating element, radiator 7.

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